Good Digital Marketing & Sales Strategies =

 New Customers and Revenue

Search engine optimization plus conversion rate optimization equals new customers if your salespeople can convert the qualified prospects into sales. Apply to sales of B2B high-value products or services that aren’t purchased online. Products and services that require considerable marketing spend and sales costs to reach and close customers.  

Existing customers are ideal prospects for new sales. Please don’t leave them out of the equation.

Leverage Search Engine Optimization for New Leads

SEO, when properly utilized, can reduce marketing spend considerably. Be visible to your ideal customer or new prospect when they need you. If you aren’t more visible than your competitors, you are apt to lose any potential sale.  

Keyword research is critical to success. Do you know what keywords you idea customers will use to find you? Are those keywords present on your website and help you rank ahead of your competitors? Do you know what the search volume is for those words?

Your webpage is the door to your business. Prospects need to be able to find your door and be encouraged to enter and look around. Do you know your target market and where to find them?

Convert Visitors to Leads

In B2B Sales CRO, conversion rate optimization, refers to capturing the visitor’s information and qualifying them as a prospect. It isn’t enough to get a visitor into your business; they have to feel welcome and find what they were looking for when they found your company. If they were looking for industrial inkjet printers but only found home office inkjet supplies, they are going to leave your store quickly.  

It doesn’t help to attract the wrong visitor to your business. Are they a high quality lead?  

When the right visitor enters and finds what they are looking for, capture their personal information immediately. More than likely, they won’t be back unless you can offer something to bring them back. Large ticket items require multiple visits. 

If you can gather enough personal information through some incentive, you may be able to qualify them as a prospect. You don’t want to waste time sending sales after unqualified tire kickers.

Converting Qualified Prospects to New Customers Requires Skill

Salespeople want high quality qualified prospects. SEO and CRO did right, results in qualified prospects. Do these people understand how your products and services can benefit the ideal customer?

You don’t want them just pushing function, features, and benefits without knowing what benefit the prospects need. How many of your competitors can solve the same problem for that customer? Why should this prospect buy from your company? What makes you different?  

Are they selling to an economic buyer? Hopefully, the qualifying sorted this out in advance. Does the salesperson know how to find the decision-maker is and their pain or the benefit they need?

SEO + CRO + Sales = New Customers. Let us help your team align your business goals with attracting visitors, converting them to prospects and ensure the salespeople get the sale.

We can train and coach your team every step of the way to success. Our high tech business experience in marketing, operations, and sales domestically and internationally is an unbeatable combination. Put it to use for your company with lasting results.